Friday, October 22, 2010

Paper Boxes - Quick, easy and fun wrapping idea!

Have you ever made origami paper boxes?  If you haven't you are missing out, because they are way easy, and a super cute way to "wrap" small gifts.  There are tons of great tutorials out there, so I'm not going to rewrite one here.  I can't remember what one I originally learned this technique from, but here's one that looks pretty good to me! I've seen ones where you don't cut the paper (I think...) but that seemed a little too complicated for me.  I think I'm origami impaired.

 Please excuse the ugly nasty dirty table.  I don't know why 
I thought this was a good place to take photos...

The box on the left is made from a couple full 12x12 sheets of scrapbook paper, the box on the right was made from paper cut down to about 8x8 I think. 

Once you've mastered the basic box, go here to try your hand at some Magic Boxes!  When they are closed they look like the orange and blue box in the first picture in this post but when they are open they look like this:



Perfect for filling up with multiple small gifts!  Totally fun right?  Now go get yourself some paper and fold some boxes already!  It is a totally satisfying little craft to do - at least it is if you're me!

1 comment:

What I Did Today said...

Cute. Got my package today! So stoked! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!