Monday, July 5, 2010

Mod Podge: My new favorite thing!

Let's have a warm welcome to the newest member of my crafty family, Mod Podge! Oh Mod Podge, I wanted to buy you for such a long time but you were so expensive at Michael's and Hobby Lobby, at least for a cheapo like me.  Then I saw you for a lot less at Joann and I had a 50% off coupon, so you finally got to come home with me!  And oh how I love you!  You are perfect for so many wonderful projects. You may have kicked the tacky glue out of it's place of honor!
Yes, after ages of wanting to, I got myself some of this stuff, which has been around for longer than I have!  I've already used up a ton of this bottle, it's come in handy for so many things! So get excited people, there will be Mod Podge projects coming soon!!

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