Monday, July 5, 2010

Hand Made Notecards

Making my own cards is a craft I'd like to get into more.  I can't pinpoint exactly why I haven't, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I don't like measuring my paper to cut it straight, which I have to do since I don't have a paper cutter, I don't have a dedicated craft space, so I have to work sitting on the floor, which makes my knees hurt, and my paper supplies are stored a little bit inaccessibly.  Still, I love this set of tree cards I made!

I cut out each of the shapes individually out of scrapbook paper and glued them to blank card stock.  I think they came out super cute! Back in high school I used to make similar pictures out of construction paper for my friends or just for fun, so I've had this particular craft in me for a long time.  I want to make more and more and more!  I guess I better start sending more mail.

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